Delightful Spring


Delightful Spring, whose Japanese name is haru-urara, is Japan’s most popular racing horse. A thoroughbred mare, she has lost one hundred out of one hundred races. Her present trainer says that she is “small, weak, neurotic and afraid of other horses.” And yet thousands line up to see her. The unbeatable loser is a star! Delightful Spring gets letter from her fans, bags full of carrots, and T-shirts with her picture are fr sale. Having to deal with economic insecurity , th eJapanese people identify with this horse who is living one of the cardinal virtues of their culture - “gambaru” - “not giving up”, “continuing”, “going on”. The world knows only the best and the most beautiful; no thought is wasted on the runner-up, the loser. Stars are being cloned, success is tailor-made. And yet - Delightful Spring is able to inspire and encourage the Japanese people in their everyday life, showing them the value of gambaru, ‘‘not giving up’.

In yoga the notion of success and failure is irrelevant. It is the effort that counts. Yoga is discipline, and discipline is making a full-hearted effort. Lakshmana, in his effort to console (Lord/ the God) Rama, said, “there is nothing as great as constant striving.” Delightful Spring finishes each and every one of her races. the essence of discipline is to do what has to be done. It is the trainer who chooses the duty and the race. No matter if the race is karma yoga in the office, peeling potatoes, running a business or yoga center, no matter if the race is asana, meditation, study, chanting or living the everytday life in the spirit of yoga or living the everyday life of a parent. As long as the race is on the only thing that counts is gambaru, “not giving up” - and it is the trainer who fixes the number of laps.

Thinking of success and failure, toying with results, the ‘fruits of our action’ or seeking recognition - all this stands in the way of gambaru, and in the way of yoga. Delgihtful Spring is free of expectations and so is a yogi.

Shaktiprem Blaschke