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aishani health

Take time out for yourself today with Shaktiprem’s personalised yoga classes or revitalising massage.

“Every morning we are born again.
What we do today matters most.”

― buddha

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Massage & Body Balance

Shaktiprem has over 17 years experience working with different body balancing techniques including remedial, holistic, therapeutic and relaxation massage as well as hip alignment, reflexology, pregnancy massage and REIKI.

Massage is available in Bardon or when in Italy in Florence and on retreats.

Initial consultation includes thorough assessment of health & wellbeing as well as setting goals and a free hip alignment.

For more information - get in touch

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Public Yoga

Public Yoga Classes in Brisbane, Australia.

We offer classes in a number of locations, including: At Work Yoga, park yoga, at Shaktiprem’s place or even in the comfort of your own home.

Wednesday evening Yoga in Bardon or on Zoom (session gets recorded so you can do it in your own time) When: 7.00pm - 8.15pm.

The classes consist of postures (asanas), breathing practices (pranayama), relaxation (yoga nidra) and meditation (practices of pratyahara).

For more information - get in touch


Custom Guidance

We are happy to discuss your unique requirements and may be able to offer a custom program for you. This might be a general health consultations including gut health, counselling based on yoga philosophy, holistic healthy lifestyle guidance.

For more information - get in touch


“Away from the chatter of the senses
From the restless wanderings of the mind
There is a quiet pool of stillness.
The wise call this stillness the highest state of being.
It is the place where we find unity.
Never to become separate again.”


― Katha Upanishad (5th century BCE)
