Sankalpa - More than a resolution in Yoga Nidra

The Sanskrit word Sankalpa means “a resolve or intention formed in the heart”. Mostly the word Sankalpa is translated as “resolution” or “intention”. With a Sankalpa we can make changes in our lives; some seem small, some large, yet all significant. Most know the word Sankalpa from the practice of Yoga Nidra - we repeat the Sankalpa before and at the end of the practice of Yoga Nidra.

The Sankalpa is a resolve that is made on a non material level (eg. I want a new car or a Ferrari), but it rather expresses a quality or inhibited dormant characteristic of yourself once you bring this “out” you’ll experience change on many levels of your life.

The Sankalpa is not something you think about in your head with your analytical thinking, but a desire that comes up from your heart, from the centre of your inner nature so to speak. That’s the ideal, but let’s stay real. What is a Sankalpa?
Your Sankalpa takes the form of a short positive phrase or sentence, clearly and concisely expressed, using the same wording each time, to bring about a positive change in your life. Now the important question arises: How to choose the appropriate Sankalpa?
Start somewhere and don’t overthink it. Start with something that comes naturally to your mind, something you know you might have had difficulties with for a long time - a reoccurring subject, that once it is resolved you know you will be a kind of a “better” person or feel freer to be who you are meant to be. In the beginning you can change the wording for a while until you find out what really sits well with you; until you are happy with the short positive statement and feel a connection with that phrase. Then stick to it and see your Sankalpa like a seed you put in the soil; every time you repeat your Sankalpa it is like watering the seed, then the seedling then the plant, the tree. The short positive statement stays the same every time you repeat it, the feeling in the physical body you connect with it stays the same - and you feel that every time you repeat your Sankalpa while the visualisation you connect with your Sankalpa might show itself in different images as it evolves. (the seed to a seedling to a plant etc).

As mentioned before we repeat the Sankalpa before and at the end of Yoga Nidra, but we can also repeat it when we are just about to fall asleep and let it work there with our subconscious mind.

Why is there such tremendous power in clearly defining and focusing on a chosen goal?

The effect of your Sankalpa is to awaken the willpower within by uniting the conscious awareness with the dormant lying unconscious forces. And this is so much more powerful than our “everyday-will” that either gets distracted a lot or we try to force it too much with little effect compared to the joined forces.

Ready to enjoy the journey? If you want personal guidance in this please contact me
I am happy to assist you.

The perspective from above, or the outside observer will give you a clearer picture on what your Sankalpa might be.

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Shaktiprem Blaschke