Unplug and Reboot by Shaktiprem

Unplug and Reboot by Shaktiprem


What if there is an easy way to get more accomplished in a day and still have plenty of vitality left at the end?

In today’s world we do a lot of sitting, our posture is restrained, our workload is increasing, we endure more mental stress and worries, and have less relaxed time with family and friends because there are so many things nagging at the back of our minds.

Unplug & Reboot is a practical, down to earth book intended to inspire you to achieve balance with understanding and simplicity. We don’t need more things to do, but may find riches in simply connecting – with ourselves.  The book provides a step-by-step guide to the simple movements, and techniques for breathing and relaxation, that can be carried out by anyone, with or without yoga experience.


No matter what your priorities in life are, developing a balanced self will make a big difference in every area of your life. As a result you will experience more joy in every aspect of your life.

In Unplug & Reboot Shaktiprem passionately shares ways, which will enable you to feel physically and mentally balanced, decrease the impact of stress and increase your vitality. As a result, you will find that you can be relaxed and focused at the same, no matter how busy or stressful your environment.

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