Thanks for "Social Distancing" - It is Fantastic, I love it!

Really, it is true. I love social distancing; and yes I am a very tactile person who loves to hug. So how does this go together?

Years ago when I started studying yoga I felt a bit strange not to be able to give people a hug before or after the yoga class because in the yoga centre it was not common to hug - instead there was the greeting from heart to heart with the “Hari Om” or “Namaste”, where you look into each other’s eyes and give respect to each other’s space. Now I am again appreciating this: the possibility that people respect my space - as I do respect theirs. I appreciate having the choice to say Yes or No to letting somebody into my space or not.

Photograph by Hugh Sitton

This photo shows a really beautiful moment of connecting between these two, a way every meeting and greeting should be. So yes, I LOVE social distancing, because it gives the opportunity to authentic connection and leaving the ones out that we don’t really want in our personal space.

With every NO I open the door to at least 11 YESes.
First of all I say YES to respect myself - and others and my personal space, my energy field and that of others. I also say YES to be more present, to be aware of myself and others. I can use this time of “social distancing” which I think should be called “physical distancing” as a time where I ask myself who I want close in my life and with whom a distance is better for both concerned.

Before connecting with others I have to be able to connect with myself - start to know myself. That is not through an analytical way but through regular mediation of learning to become the outside observer.
When I am not coming from a point of centredness from within my true being, how can I truely connect? Once we move away from acting according to the pendulum of likes and dislikes, we move into our own power, finding out about our strength and also our so called weaknesses, learn about our ambitions and needs and then through meditation practices come to a point in our centre that is calm and true from where we can connect in a heathy way. - Contraction follows expansion. So in my vision “physical distancing” will be followed by real connection from heart to heart.

A way there is “Consciously Living Now - Kundalini Yoga in Everyday Life - ANAHATA CHAKRA”, diving into the heart space.

Aaron PComment