Yoga and Productivity?

When thinking of yoga usually people think either of peace and "Om" or about twisted postures they can't get into or if they do they can't get out of them anymore.... but productivity and yoga? It seems I have come full circle since I moved to Brisbane and started AtWorkYoga. The global changes this year had made me focus on assisting people with their “Total Wellbeing” even more: while being at home, working from home and keeping the spirits up while being restricted in their social interactions. As Yoga always has been a lifestyle rather than a physical exercise for me, I now knew that it was time to have everyone who was looking for the next step to experience yoga in everyday life. And the result was that everyone on the programme told me that they are so happy about the clarity they experience and that they found to accomplish their work more efficiently than before practicing yoga three times a day. AND it is doable; morning yoga for 35’ midday or after work Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation) for 20’-25’ and evening meditation for 15’ - that’s all.

How does Yoga increase our productivity and clarity of mind?

  • To strengthen the mind and experience clarity one has to be committed to regular practice of body (asanas=yoga postures and pranayama =breathing practices) and mind (meditation and pranayama).
    We don’t brush our teeth only once a week and hope to have good teeth.

  • Daily time for deep relaxation lets us be more conscious during the day and more relaxed at night as we let go of accumulated muscular, emotional and mental tension during Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation practice).
    And once we are free of a lot of accumulated tension we can start moving into a direction that we choose to. Instead of the mind working on the level of feeling weak and bound, we can more to live from strength and freedom, which will colour our life on all levels very differently.

The key is regularity and relaxation as well as experiencing the practises as something joyful not something that you have to do or should do. It is something you find pleasure in doing.

If you want to get into a daily doable yoga experience contact me. It is a pleasure sharing my knowledge and experiences that I gained and am still gaining for the last 28 years.

Or have a look at 

And here is a free relaxation practice - though not a full Yoga Nidra, but a little taste. Enjoy.

Aaron PComment