Gut-Brain Connection–Myth or Reality?

The gut brain connection is not a joke or a myth - it is true that there is a link between the brain and stomach aches and vice versa. Who hasn’t experienced “nauseous situations" or has been in a situation that made your “stomach turn upside down”? Or the very well know feeling of “butterflies” in your stomach? The gatrointestinal tract is very sensitive to emotions and thus all sorts of feelings we experience can set off symproms in the gut. You don’t have to have a ‘sensitive’ gut to be aware of the connection. Everyone has experienced the sensations in the body and mind after having eaten “heavy” food, or heavy and deep fried oily food. You feel as though you are a python after having eaten a possum ( I am writing this from Brisbane/ Australia where everyone knows what that looks like). After an oily heavy meal you feel the need for a “siesta” - you need a little lie-down to let your body digest and your thoughts don’t come up as crisp, fresh and clear as when you have eaten soemthing nutrious and fresher.

The brain has a direct effect on the stomach and the intestinal tract. We know that just thinking of food makes our mouth water and gets the stomach to release its juices before the food gets there. And this connection goes both ways: a troubled intestine can send signals to the brain as well as a troubled brain (mind and emotional part of us) can send signals to the gut. So if you have problems with your gut it can be causing your emotioanl or mental symptoms or it can be the product of it.

Hence when working on your gut health it is as important to work on your mental and emotional health. If you have any questions how to do that please get in contact with me and look up the upcoming events.

I think it is always the best to try out something different, to shake my old habit, and then experience myself how different I feel (or if I feel different at all), and if my energy levels and mental clarity change. Are you ready for an adventure? Contact me:

Shaktiprem Blaschke