Put an End to Dieting Disappointments

REALLY?? There is nothing on this plate!! I am starving! This cant be good for me! HELP !

Weight loss is not only a number on the scale. It is about cultivating a healthy lifestyle that fits you. It is aobut developing positive ways to deal with food and understand what your food connection is. If you feel deprived of all they yummy things you ususally reward yourself with, then of course a change in eating habits is very frustrating and doesn’t bring results.

But is the main focus loosing weight? Or is it moving into a healthy vibrant lifestyle you can sustain even when there are birthday parties to go to?

As a holistic yoga teacher for over 25 years and a yoga practitioner for over 30 years, I tackle any big changes by not focusing on what to change, on that which doesn’t work, but to introduce something that is a new healthy habit that leaves me feeling vibrant and relaxed at the same time so that no stress is coming up in me.

“Starting to implement good healthy and enjoyable habits instead of trying to get rid of unpleasant and unhealthy ones is like starting to plant flowers, which is something enjoyable and which puts a smile on your face, instead of pulling out weeds with a frown on yur forehead.” (‘Unplug&Reboot by Shaktiprem).

So what are the flowers that I suggest you plant?

  1. Cleanse your intestine and build up a healthy biome with ‘Mrs Snook’s Gut Cleanse’. This makes all the difference in your whole being: physially, mentally and emotionally. https://open.spotify.com/episode/195DuP5pj29x2EOKSitHra

  2. Practice relaxation (the authentic Yoga Nidra practice is the best, not just lounging on the sofa in front of a screen)

  3. Espose yourself to some sunshine. this is very important for your natural vitamin D intake.

  4. Practice yoga regularly - get your joints flexible and more mobile and work on your cre strength

  5. Make sure you get enough fresh air every day as well as enough sleep.

  6. Non toxic relationships - this will keep you in a balanced state of mind and emotionally healthy and strong.

  7. Live your passion. do you remember when you were a child and were so enthused about life? Take some time to step into that space.

Shaktiprem Blaschke